Tours available in Bermuda

As always tours and their description show what the locals are proud of and wish to show. These, therefore, give you a guide and flavour and help you plan your visit. These tours of similar will more than likely be resold by your ship with door to door transport. However, the ship sometimes has zero availability so these might be of use. Also, see our filmed blogs which might show you how the public bus works.

Ships calling on their flag countries of Bermuda and the Bahamas are routinely visited by drug-sniffing dogs. The laws of those countries allow them to board the ship and inspect for drugs without warrants.

We invite you to look at our list of all the cruise ships afloat. If you think have any information to share, join one of the many chat sites here at the Doris Visits Cruise Family.

At the moment we have no tours available in Bermuda – but the local bus has a day ticket. Available at the office at the dock.